We live in a burgeoning on-demand economy. Services have transcended the physical establishments of restaurants, banks, and shopping malls with universal facilitation by mobile applications. Hordes and hordes of application choices. And we depend on them daily.
It begins with the drop of a pin. Uber arrives at your door several minutes later and off you go to the gym. Now it’s Fitbit’s turn to perform, as it tracks heart rate and chimes gently to let you know workout goals for the day have been completed. Another Uber ride later, you’re at the office, where packages are shipped with the help of Shyp, friends are reimbursed for weekend expenses with Venmo, and the witty line from your boss during this morning’s meeting has made its way into the Twittersphere.
And those are only a few examples in a broad sea of apps.
Today’s mantra:
“There’s an app for that”
The global community embraces apps for everything from gaming and shopping, to banking and transportation. Check out the slideshow below, 10 Apps Syncing to the Pulse of Your Life, to see some of the compelling statistics revealing how seamless a part of our lives these apps have become.