At Strata Data Conference in September, David Mellor, VP and Chief Architect at Curriculum Associates, showed how the company creates real-time feedback loops for students and educators.
David covered how to build a real-time application with SingleStore, and how his team architected a combination of data workflows for actively updating data, such as student activity through online lessons and diagnostics. One workflow relies on in-memory processing to serve responses in under 200 milliseconds. The other workflow focuses on data that can be processed on scheduled intervals.
Video and Slides
Curriculum Associates Strata NYC 2017 from SingleStore
About David
David Mellor is the vice president and chief architect at Curriculum Associates and an adjunct professor at Boston University’s Graduate School of Computer Science. Previously, David was the chief architect of the Next Generation Application Platform at Oracle. He is the author of multiple books, including The Common Warehouse Metamodel Developer’s Guide. David also holds two patents in the area of extension mechanisms for web content.