Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Management Solutions for Analytics

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Management Solutions for Analytics

The data warehouse as we know it has changed.

Growth in data size and complexity, migration to the cloud, and the rise of real-time use cases are forces pushing enterprise organizations to expect more from their data warehouse.

Evidence of this trend can be found in the latest Gartner Magic Quadrant Report, which has dropped data warehouse from its title and graduated to Data Management Solutions for Analytics. This change has resulted in an expansion of types of vendors covered, while also making the inclusion criteria significantly more challenging.

Gartner Analysts Simon James Walker and Michael Patrick Moran also identify real-time data as a top priority for data and analytics leaders in the report, Three Top Trends in Master Data Management Solutions Through 2017, highlighting the following impacts and recommendations:

Real-time data has emerged as an Master Data Management (MDM) priority for data and analytics leaders, with high availability master data a key capability as data volume, velocity and variety increases

Multidomain and multivector MDM enable digital business to advance from “collecting” data for a single data domain to “connecting” several data domains

Improved packaged industry MDM solutions are accelerating time to value, enabling data and analytics leaders to deliver successful MDM programs

single-store-positioned-as-challenger-in-gartner-magic-quadrantSingleStore Positioned as Challenger in Gartner Magic Quadrant

Gartner has positioned SingleStore as a Challenger in this Magic Quadrant, citing broad use use-case support, flexible deployment options, real-time processing, and customer engagement as factors leading to our movement to the top half of the Magic Quadrant. Our support of operational, analytic, and real-time streaming use cases were also cited as key strengths by Gartner.
