We started SingleStore with a vision to enable every company to be a real-time enterprise, and to do that by delivering the leading real-time database for transactions and analytics. Since then, the forces shaping our digital economy have only added wind to our sails. The world is more mobile, interconnected, interactive, and on the cusp of several industry transformations such as the Internet of Things.

Real-time processing is the secret to keeping up, and in-memory solutions are the foundation. Yet existing options have been too expensive or too complex for companies to adopt.
That changes today with the release of SingleStoreDB Self-Managed 4 and our new Community Edition, a free unlimited capacity, unlimited scale offering of SingleStore that includes all transactional and analytical features.
By sharing SingleStore capabilities with the world, for free, we expect many developers and companies will have a chance to explore what is possible with in-memory computing. As the pace of business advances, SingleStore will be there.
Start Using SingleStore Community Edition Now
Unlimited scale and capacity. Free forever.
Download Community Edition →
We hope you enjoy working with our Community Edition. Please feel free to share feedback.
Eric Frenkiel, CEO and co-founder, SingleStore
Nikita Shamgunov, CTO and co-founder, SingleStore
Community FAQ
What is Community Edition?
Community Edition is a way to use SingleStore at unlimited scale and unlimited capacity at no cost. You can download it and immediately start building an app with SingleStore.
Is it Open Source?
Ecosystem integrations like the SingleStore Spark Connector and the SingleStore Loader for HDFS and Amazon S3 are open source, and on GitHub.
The Community Edition is distributed as an executable binary and is a free edition of the commercial SingleStore Enterprise Edition. You are free to download and use SingleStore Community Edition within your organization.
How much does it cost?
SingleStore Community Edition is free forever with unlimited scale and database capacity.
What is the difference between Community and Enterprise Editions?
Enterprise Edition comes with direct support from SingleStore, plus production features such as high availability, cross data center replication, granular user permissions, and SSL. More information can be found on at singlestore.com/cloud-trial/
How do I move from Community to Enterprise?
You can sign up for a free trial of Enterprise at any time and apply the license key. Or, talk to us at [info@singlestore.com](info@singlestore.com?Subject=Community Edition Inquiry) or (855) 463-6775.
Does SingleStore support Community Edition in production?
While you are free to use Community for your projects, SingleStore does not support or endorse using it in production. SingleStore Enterprise Edition comes with the features needed to support critical deployments.
What level of support comes with Community?
SingleStore Community Edition does not come with phone or email support. We and other SingleStore experts are active in the StackOverflow community, our documentation is public, and we open real-time chat during California business hours. More info here.