If you are building an AI application, chances are you are using unstructured and structured data, which means you need vector similarity search, exact keyword text search and a way to also retrieve data from SQL or JSON documents.
Typically this requires multiple databases, yet they are not geared for working with real-time data and analytics — all of which are now table stakes for all AI applications.
In other words, AI applications require complex queries across multiple data types and enterprise-grade performance at scale. This guide shows how to use SingleStore's unified database platform for building sophisticated AI applications that go beyond basic vector operations with “single-shot retrievals” both in SQL or using JSON.
If you are looking for a <tl;dr> on what is different about SingleStore, here is an example of single-shot retrieval relevant for all Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) use cases. In the following query, we are retrieving all recommended movies for a specific user using vector search and rich analytics in one round-trip.
WITHtable_match AS (SELECTm.title,m.movieId,m.vectorFROMuser_choice tINNER JOIN movie_with_tags_with_vectors m ON m.title =t.titleWHEREuserid = 'user1'),movie_pairs AS (SELECTm1.movieId AS movieId1,m1.title AS title1,m2.movieId AS movieId2,m2.title AS title2,DOT_PRODUCT(m1.vector, m2.vector) AS similarityFROMtable_match m1CROSS JOIN movie_with_tags_with_vectors m2WHEREm1.movieId != m2.movieIdAND NOT EXISTS (SELECT1FROMuser_choice ucWHEREuc.userid = 'user1'AND uc.title = m2.title)),movie_match AS (SELECTmovieId1,title1,movieId2,title2,similarityFROMmovie_pairsORDER BYsimilarity DESC),distinct_count AS (SELECT DISTINCTmovieId2,title2 AS Title,ROUND(AVG(similarity), 4) AS Rating_MatchFROMmovie_matchGROUP BYmovieId2,title2ORDER BYRating_Match DESC),average_ratings AS (SELECTmovieId,AVG(rating) AS Avg_RatingFROMratingsGROUP BYmovieId)SELECTdc.Title,dc.Rating_Match as 'Match Score',ROUND(ar.Avg_Rating, 1) AS 'Average User Rating'FROMdistinct_count dcJOIN average_ratings ar ON dc.movieId2 = ar.movieIdORDER BYdc.Rating_Match DESCLIMIT5;
But before we dig deeper into the details, let’s first look at some core concepts. If you are familiar with these concepts you can skip to the real-world applications section.
Understanding vector database concepts
What is a vector database?
A vector database is a specialized database system designed to store and query high-dimensional vectors, typically used in AI and machine learning applications. These vectors are numerical representations (embeddings) of data like text, images or audio, created by machine learning models.
Embeddings are dense numerical vectors that capture semantic meaning from raw data. Sometimes, embeddings are used interchangeably with vectors. For example, a text embedding might be a 1536-dimensional vector (common with OpenAI's models) where similar texts have similar vector representations. Some key aspects of embeddings:
- They preserve semantic relationships in their vector space
- Similar items have smaller distances between their vectors (often measured using some well known methods like dot_product)
- They enable semantic search and similarity comparisons
- Dimensions typically range from 128 to 1536 or more
- Embeddings are generated by passing the data through an embedding model
Vector similarity metrics
Vector databases use several similarity metrics to compare vectors:
Dot product
- Simple multiplication and sum of corresponding vector elements
- Higher values indicate greater similarity
- Best for comparing vectors of similar magnitudes
Cosine similarity
- Measures the cosine of the angle between vectors
- Range: -1 to 1 (1 being most similar)
- Good for comparing vectors of different magnitudes
Euclidean Distance
- Measures straight-line distance between vector endpoints
- Lower values indicate greater similarity
- Good for comparing vectors in absolute terms
Vector indexing methods
Indexing is a data structure technique that improves the speed of data retrieval operations by creating additional data structures (indices) that provide optimized paths to locate data. SingleStore supports specialized vector indexes for efficient similarity search:
Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW)
- Creates a hierarchical graph structure
- Excellent search performance with high recall
- Higher memory usage
- Best for high-precision requirements
Inverted File with Product Quantization and Fast Scan (IVF_PQFS)
- Combines clustering and vector compression
- Excellent balance of speed, memory and accuracy
- Significantly faster index builds
- Good for production deployments with large datasets
The choice between HNSW and IVF_PQFS depends on your requirements:
- Use HNSW when accuracy is critical and memory is available
- Use IVF_PQFS when dealing with large datasets or memory constraints
Unlike other databases, you can create both of these indices on the same column for different query use cases in SingleStore. In addition, once you create an index on a vector, the data becomes immediately available for query. This is typically not possible in some vector-only databases that run indexing async and incrementally.
Real-world applications
Before diving into implementation details, let's look at some practical scenarios where SingleStore's unified approach shines.
Real-time product recommendations
Traditionally, product recommendations happen after an event has occurred and the analytics is run in a batch mode in a data warehouse. This is called next-session personalization and recommendation. With SingleStore, users can bring in streaming data from Kafka stream, run live analytics and combine them with vectors to build real-time “in-session” recommendations and personalization systems.
-- Combine real-time inventory, user behavior, and vector similaritySELECTp.product_id,p.name,p.price,i.stock_level,DOT_PRODUCT(vec, JSON_ARRAY_PACK('[0.23,0.54,0.43,0.87]') assimilarity_scoreFROM products pJOIN inventory i ON p.product_id = i.product_idWHERE i.stock_level > 0AND p.category = :user_categoryORDER BY similarity_score DESCLIMIT 10;
This query shows how we combine vector similarity with real-time inventory data — something that otherwise requires multiple systems or complex ETL with traditional architectures.
Semantic search with analytics
Newer AI applications don’t just require data augmentation from enterprise data, but often fresh analytical data to make decisions in real time. This is critical for building agentic or agent-based systems. For example, if a support agent is helping customers with a known issue, the agent may need to access real-time logs, other support tickets and run some analytics to provide accurate data. SingleStore is ideal for agentic applications and use cases like this, given that you can run both semantic and lexical searches across multiple data types — along with analytics in a single shot.
-- Search documents and aggregate insights in one querySELECTcategory,COUNT(*) as document_count,AVG(DOT_PRODUCT(embedding, JSON_ARRAY_PACK('[0.23,0.54,0.43,0.87]') asavg_relevance,JSON_AGG(title) as matching_titlesFROM documentsWHERE MATCH(TABLE content) AGAINST('body:SingleStore')GROUP BY categoryHAVING avg_relevance > 0.7;
This demonstrates combining vector search, full-text search and analytical aggregations in a single query — eliminating the need for multiple round trips or complex application logic (single-shot retrieval).
SingleStore's unique approach to vector operations
Multi-modal data storage
Most AI applications require multi-modal data and SingleStore stands out by offering:
- Native vector data type alongside traditional SQL types
- Ability to store vectors, JSON, text and structured data in the same table
- Immediate availability of newly inserted vectors (no indexing delay)
- Support for multiple vector indices on the same column
- Memory-first three-tier architecture that provides milliseconds response times across petabytes of data
Unified query capabilities
SingleStore enables:
- Single-query combination of vector similarity search and SQL analytics
- Hybrid search combining vector similarity and keyword matching
- Complex joins between vector and non-vector data
- Real-time analytics on vector search results
Vector features
- Native VECTOR data type with dimension specification
- Multiple indexing options (HNSW, IVF, PQ) on the same column
- Comprehensive vector operations (dot_product, normalization, etc.)
- BM25-based keyword search integration
Practical example: Building a document search system
To demonstrate the simplicity of using one database to build an entire AI or agentic application, let's create a simple document search system that combines vector search with traditional SQL capabilities. To try it out, sign up for a free SingleStore trial.
1. Create the table
CREATE TABLE documents (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,title VARCHAR(255),content TEXT,embedding VECTOR(1536), -- Embeddings from a model for ex OpenAIcategory VARCHAR(50),created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,metadata JSON,FULLTEXT INDEX ft_idx (content), -- For keyword searchSHARD KEY (id));-- Create vector index for similarity searchALTER TABLE documentsADD VECTOR INDEX idx_embedding (embedding)INDEX_OPTIONS '{"metric_type": "DOT_PRODUCT"}';
INSERT INTO documents (title, content, embedding, category, metadata)VALUES('SingleStore Overview','SingleStore is a distributed SQL database...','[0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.5]', -- Replace with actual embedding'Technical','{"author": "John Doe", "tags": ["database", "technical"]}'),('Vector Search Guide','Understanding vector similarity search...','[0.15, 0.25, ..., 0.45]', -- Replace with actual embedding'Tutorial','{"author": "Jane Smith", "tags": ["AI", "search"]}');
3. Production-ready search implementation
Let’s create a single query and wrap it in a stored procedure to give it more enterprise-grade heft, including error handling and connection management by combining vector similarity search, keyword matching and SQL analytics:
-- Create a procedure for robust vector searchDELIMITER //CREATE PROCEDURE search_documents(IN search_vector VARCHAR(8000),IN search_text VARCHAR(255),IN min_score FLOAT,IN category_filter VARCHAR(50),IN batch_size INT)BEGINDECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTIONBEGINROLLBACK;RESIGNAL;END;START TRANSACTION;-- Validate inputsIF JSON_VALID(search_vector) = 0 THENSIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Invalid vector format';END IF;-- Execute search with timeouts and limitsSELECTtitle,category,DOT_PRODUCT(embedding, '[0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.5]') as vector_score,MATCH(TABLE content) AGAINST('body:database')as text_score,JSON_EXTRACT_STRING(metadata, '$.author') as author,-- Calculate combined score (70% vector, 30% text)(DOT_PRODUCT(embedding, '[0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.5]') * 0.7 +MATCH(TABLE content) AGAINST('body:database') * 0.3) as combined_scoreFROM documentsWHERE-- Filter by categorycategory = 'Technical'-- Ensure some text relevanceAND MATCH(TABLE documents) AGAINST(body:'database') > 0GROUP BYcategoryHAVINGcombined_score > 0.5ORDER BYcombined_score DESCLIMIT 10;
The query would return a table with the following columns:
— Stringcategory
— String (will only show 'Technical' due to WHERE clause)vector_score
— Float (dot_product result, typically between -1 and 1)text_score
— Float (MATCH AGAINST score, typically between 0 and 1)author
— String (extracted from JSON metadata)combined_score
— Float (weighted average of vector_score and text_score)
Here's an example of what the results might look like:
A few important notes about this output:
- Only 'Technical' category results appear due to the WHERE clause
- All results have text_score > 0 due to the WHERE clause condition
- All results have combined_score > 0.5 due to the HAVING clause
- Results are sorted by combined_score in descending order
- The GROUP BY category means we'll get one result per category (in this case, just one group since we filtered for 'Technical')
This query demonstrates several key SingleStore capabilities:
- Vector similarity search using DOT_PRODUCT
- Full-text search using MATCH AGAINST
- JSON field extraction
- Complex scoring combining multiple similarity metrics
- Traditional SQL operations (GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY)
- All in a single, efficient query
Architectural considerations
Having looked at a simple example, let’s also consider the bigger picture from the architectural perspective. Here's how SingleStore fits into a scalable AI stack:
Application layers
- API layer. REST/GraphQL endpoints for vector operations. Within the SingleStore cloud service you can create a Jupyter Notebook and expose SQL queries as API endpoints similar to a Lambda function. You can also run periodic async jobs as scheduled notebooks, with the advantage of running processing local to your data.
- Service layer. Business logic and AI model integration. Here you may call an embedding model to convert raw data into vectors. Within SingleStore, you can also run open source embedding model directly in Jupyter notebooks (currently in private preview).
- Data layer. SingleStore as a unified store for:
- Vector embeddings
- Operational data (row based, JSON)
- Analytics (columnar data)
- Full-text search
- Real-time updates (Kafka, etc.)
- Cache layer. Optional for frequently accessed vectors or even as a semantic LRU cache
Integration patterns
- Direct SQL for simple applications
- ORM (e.g., SQLAlchemy or Drizzle) for complex applications
- CDC (Change Data Capture) in and out for real-time synchronization with existing systems
- Streaming ingestion for real-time vector updates
Monitoring and observability
- Track vector operation latency
- Monitor index performance
- Set up alerts for memory usage
- Log vector search quality metrics
Start building with SingleStore
Given the inherent need to retrieve different kinds of data types using both semantic and keyword search along with deep analytics, SingleStore is a good fit for modern AI applications that are used by several large and small AI applications companies. Check out this cheat sheet or head over to the SingleStore Spaces gallery and give this a try.
Build production-ready vector databases quickly. Start free with SingleStore today.