About the Help category

I’ve got the new user unable to post problem too. I want to post a new thread asking about PIPELINE FS issues and how to best use. Can you give me privileges to make a new topic in Help? Thanks!

@dmartin @tfly I’ve got the new user unable to post problem

Dear Team,

I am trying to read data from singleStore via spark query. Datasize is around 500MB-1GB.
Spark version : 3.3.2
singlestore spark connector version : 4.1.4-spark-3.3.2
scala : 2.12
singlestore-jdbc-client : 1.1.8
singestore : 7.8

        Dataset<Row> data = spark.read().format("singlestore").option("driver", "com.singlestore.jdbc.Driver").option("url", uat_url).option("query", query)
                    .option("ddlEndpoint", ddlEndpoint)
                    .option("user", uat_username)
                    .option("enableParallelRead", "automatic")
                    .option("parallelRead.Features", "readFromAggregatorsMaterialized,readFromAggregators")
                    .option("parallelRead.repartition", "true")                   
                    .option("password", uat_password).load();

        int numPartitionsUsed = data. rdd().getNumPartitions();
        System.out.println("Number of partitions used: " + numPartitionsUsed);

In above code, I am only getting result via single partition. data for table is spread across 20 partition. I have tried using (“numPartitions”, 2) and (“parallelRead.repartition.columns”, “id”) . Still I am getting same output. can you please help me on same ?

I just signed up as a new user on this forum yest. I came here looking for help.
I’m struggling to understand how discourse works. I’ve been unable to figure out how to create a post. kindly help

Welcome, @himawari!

Try going to SingleStore Forums

Then on the top right, click the button to create a new topic. As a new user, it may be necessary for someone to approve your first post or first few posts.

1 Like

Thank you for the guidance.

I Need Help on CTE
I’m unable to POST my query on the SingleStore Fourms, didn’t fount any option .

how do I create a new topic?

Anyway, here is my question:

I am looking for an HTAP database to run my transactional web application (an EHR for small clinics) and at the same time run OLAP queries on it.
My question is how is the best practice to approach this. My OLTP tables used by my application obey 3 normal form, with most of the things normalized.
Should I run the OLAP queries in the tables used by the system itself, all normalized?
Or should I create a materialized view with a more normalized (star schema?) design of the fact and dimension tables?
Or should I create a pipeline with some sort of ETL process to have a copy of the data organized in a star schema or as a flat table?
What is the most recommended approach by Singlestore to make use of HTAP?

Hi, I had signed up on this forum a while back looking for some help regarding enabling singestore studio using the singlestore k8s operator, but I could not figure how to create a new post.
I figured it is probably because I may not have the required permissions for it.
Anyway, my query is : how do we enable singlestore studio on singelstore k8s operator.
I had even posted it on stackoverflow but got no help there.
Also, it would be helpful if there is a guide somewhere to help you post a new question.

I am newly signed up. I am looking for help. I am unable to create a topic or post .

Kindly help

hi i have created account on singlestoredb…i have database allocated and i have added two tables…i tried to add another table but it has reference key to it…singlestoredb doesnt support reference key but ignore_foreign_key engine variable to on will allow refernece key syntax…but for this i need privileges…even though i created account and i am the owner still i cant privleges to myself…i need privilges to set ignore foreign key…kindly help me with this… I am using free tier…I have checked available grants and I dont have any SUPER or GRANT privileges…kindly grant me privileges so that i can ignore foreign keys

Hi team,

I’m having trouble posting my issue as a new user.

I need to use a Python script in my pipeline to transform my data. Below is a sample Python code hosted on an external server within nginx at domain abc.xyz:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

for line in sys.stdin:
    # Process the line here
    processed_line = line.upper()  # Example: convert to uppercase

my csv file words.csv


I’ve tried creating a table and pipeline but it’s not working. I have super user access.

    word VARCHAR(40)

LOAD DATA LINK azurelink 'poc/words/'
WITH TRANSFORM ('http://abc.xyz/uppercase_transform.py', '', '')