UTF-8mb4 support - or where are the emojis 😱

Hi Pierre,

We don’t have a public roadmap right now. This is something I have brought up internally though to see what we can do in the future.

The 7.5 release is targeting June/July time frame.



Hi @adam, could you please confirm that this feature is still planned for the next release in June?

We need this asap actually to avoid doing dirty content encoding pre+post DB queries to handle emojis in content.


Yes, it will be in the 7.5 release (still on track for July). The feature is complete at this point.


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Awesome! looking forward :slight_smile:

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What if you need to do search on the encoded column ?
Is there any way to do search on “\u0628\u06cc\u0627” ?

What do you mean an encoded column? You’ll be able to filter a utf8mb4 column in the WHERE condition against a literal (containing extended utf8mb4 characters) using all the existing comparison operators <, =, LIKE, etc.