Real-Time Data Warehouse

With low latency and high concurrency, SingleStore powers your most intelligent real-time applications.

what-is-a-real-time-data-warehouseWhat is a real-time data warehouse?

Real-time analytics stretch the limits of single-node databases, traditional data warehouses and data lakes — maxing out everything from performance to query run times, data freshness, costs and scalability. 

Real-time data warehouses are built for speed, with the ability to query massive amounts of data — even at petabyte scale — within milliseconds.

what-you-need-in-a-real-time-data-warehouseWhat you need in a real-time data warehouse

Low-latency streaming writes

Ability to stream writes to your database in real time, with sub-second and millisecond responses.


Combination of update and insert operations, as well as using a unique key to prevent duplicate records and maintain data consistency.

Incremental deletes

Option to delete records in near real time — and sync deletes from your primary database to any analytical queries you’re running.

Comprehensive JSON support

Query, index and expand nested JSON structure, regardless of depth. And, schema flexibility to modify as needed after initial setup. 

Separation of compute + storage

Better data durability, manageability, elasticity and cost advantages compared to traditional, on-premises analytical processing.

single-store-as-a-real-time-data-warehouseSingleStore as a real-time data warehouse

Manage petabytes of data with a three-tier architecture comprised of memory, cache and unlimited storage.

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Handle high-concurrency workloads, supporting your intelligent applications with up to hundreds of thousands of users.

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Developer experience
Get up and running with a few clicks so you can quickly move to production.

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Support your most complex workloads to power real-time analytics applications.

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Dell Technologies

Modernizing its Teradata enterprise data warehouse to move from batch data updates to real-time streaming reports with speed and scale.
Read the case study >


Storing petabytes of data and executing distributed joins that OLAP data warehouses simply couldn’t handle. Read the case study >

Migrating to SingleStore as a full real-time data warehouse solution after struggling with Hadoop performance. Read the case study >

how-to-augment-your-existing-infrastructure-for-a-real-time-data-warehouseHow to augment your existing infrastructure for a real-time data warehouse

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