
Distributed SQL Architecture: A Primer on Rowstore and Columnstore Databases

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David Yakobovitch - Sr. Manager, Education Delivery Specialist, SingleStore

Distributed SQL Architecture: A Primer on Rowstore and Columnstore Databases


Whether you are new to SingleStore, an experienced developer, or a business champion, this complimentary webinar will get you acquainted with a modern architecture that enables both Columnstore and Rowstore data structures within a single database to deliver fast analytics and intelligent applications at scale.

In this free SingleStore University webinar series, you will learn about the basics of a unified database, its benefits, and key applications. More importantly, we will dive deeper into the architecture including Columnstores, Rowstores, and Indexes along with a hands-on lab to reinforce your learning with our cloud-based SingleStore Studio SQL Editor.

Join our Education Delivery Specialist, David Yakobovitch for Distributed SQL Architecture: A primer on Rowstore and Columnstore Databases to learn more about how you can deliver low latency, high concurrency, and optimized SQL queries using SingleStore for all your data workloads.

Discussion Topicsdiscussion-topics

  • Behind-the-scenes architecture that enables Columnstores and Rowstores to perform fast analytics and intelligent applications in the same platform
  • DDL commands to create Columnstore and Rowstore schemas within SingleStore Studio SQL Editor
  • SingleStoreDB Cloud benefits to run fast queries and easily manage the database operations

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60 minutes
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