
How to Build an LLM App on Inventory, Product & Reviews Data

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Akmal Chaudhri - <p><span style='font-size: 11pt;'>Senior Technical Evangelist at SingleStore</span></p>
David de Matheu - <p><span style='font-size: 11pt;'>Founder at Neum AI</span></p>

How to Build an LLM App on Inventory, Product & Reviews Data

Neum AI is a fast-growth Y-Combinator startup that helps companies keep accurate and up-to-date context in their AI applications by optimizing the creation and synchronization of vector embeddings at large scale.

Join us for an exciting upcoming webinar that showcases the joint synergies of Neum AI and SingleStoreDB via a demo on building an LLM app with inventory and product data.

By efficiently updating your vectors in real-time, users can benefit from the best contextual insights and recommendations derived from your business’ internal data.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What is Neum AI and why do dynamic vector embeddings matter in the world of real-time AI

  • LIVE DEMO: How to build an LLM Application using inventory, and product data


  • Akmal Chaudhri, Senior Technical Evangelist at SingleStore
  • David de Matheu, Founder at Neum AI

Akmal Chaudhri

Senior Technical Evangelist at SingleStore

David de Matheu

Founder at Neum AI

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60 minutes
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