
Vector Search with Kai


SingleStore Notebooks

Vector Search with Kai

Vector Search with Kai

In this notebook, we load a dataset into a collection, create a vector index and perform vector searches using Kai in a way that is compatible with MongoDB clients and applications

In [1]:

!pip install datasets --quiet

In [2]:

import os
import pprint
import time
import concurrent.futures
import datasets
from pymongo import MongoClient
from datasets import load_dataset
from bson import json_util

1. Initializing a pymongo client

In [3]:

current_database = %sql SELECT DATABASE() as CurrentDatabase
DB = current_database[0][0]
COLLECTION = 'wiki_embeddings'

In [4]:

# Using the environment variable that holds the kai endpoint
client = MongoClient(connection_url_kai)
collection = client[DB][COLLECTION]

2. Create a collection and load the dataset

It is recommended that you create a collection with the embedding field as a top level column for optimized utilization of storage. The name of the column should be the name of the field holding the embedding

In [5]:

columns=[{ 'id': "emb", 'type': "VECTOR(768) NOT NULL" }],

In [6]:

# Using the "wikipedia-22-12-simple-embeddings" dataset from Hugging Face
dataset = load_dataset("Cohere/wikipedia-22-12-simple-embeddings", split="train")

In [7]:

DB_SIZE = 50000 #Currently loading 50k documents to the collection, can go to a max of 485,859 for this dataset
insert_data = []
insert_count = 0
# Iterate through the dataset and prepare the documents for insertion
# The script below ingests 1000 records into the database at a time
for item in dataset:
if insert_count >= DB_SIZE:
# Convert the dataset item to MongoDB document format
doc_item = json_util.loads(json_util.dumps(item))
# Insert in batches of 1000 documents
if len(insert_data) == 1000:
insert_count += 1000
print(f"{insert_count} of {DB_SIZE} records ingested")
insert_data = []
# Insert any remaining documents
if len(insert_data) > 0:
print("Data Ingested")

A sample document from the collection

In [8]:

sample_doc = collection.find_one()
pprint.pprint(sample_doc, compact=True)

3. Create a vector Index

In [9]:

'createIndexes': COLLECTION,
'indexes': [{
'key': {'emb': 'vector'},
'name': 'vector_index',
'kaiSearchOptions': {"index_type":"AUTO", "metric_type": "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "dimensions": 768}

Selecting the query embedding from the sample_doc selected above

In [10]:

# input vector
query_vector = sample_doc['emb']

4. Perform a vector search

In [11]:

def execute_kai_search(query_vector):
pipeline = [
'$vectorSearch': {
"index": "vector_index",
"path": "emb",
"queryVector": query_vector,
"numCandidates": 20,
"limit": 3,
'$project': {
'text': 1,
results = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
return list(results)

In [12]:


Running concurrent vector search queries

In [13]:

num_concurrent_queries = 250
start_time = time.time()
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_concurrent_queries) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(execute_kai_search, query_vector) for _ in range(num_concurrent_queries)]
end_time = time.time()
print(f"Executed {num_concurrent_queries} concurrent queries.")
print(f"Total execution time: {end_time - start_time} seconds")
for f in futures:
if f.exception() is not None:
failed_count = sum(1 for f in futures if f.exception() is not None)
print(f"Failed queries: {failed_count}")

This shows the Kai can create vector indexes instantaneously and perform a large number of concurrent vector search queries surpassing MongoDB Atlas Vector Search capabilities


About this Template

Run Vector Search using MongoDB clients and power GenAI usecases for your MongoDB applications

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This Notebook can be run in Standard and Enterprise deployments.




This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.