Product Launch
Unfreeze Your Iceberg Lakehouse

intelligent-applications-now-at-a-lakehouse-near-youIntelligent Applications, now at a lakehouse near you

The biggest lakehouse vendors have embraced Apache Iceberg as the de facto standard, which means it’s finally possible to write with one data platform and read the same data with another.  Not since the separation of storage and compute has there been a bigger revolution in data management!

Are you building intelligent apps that require modern capabilities like sub-second analytics, real-time ingestion, vector search, full-text search, and more? Of course you are! Do you want to use the data in your lakehouse to power these intelligent apps? Of course you do!

Now, with SingleStore’s bi-directional integration with Apache Iceberg, you can, and you don’t need any ETL tools or expensive queries on the source system to do it.

Watch the unveiling and demonstrations of four new blockbuster capabilities in SingleStore:

  • Unfreeze your data lakehouse with zero-ETL, low-latency operational engine for Iceberg
  • Build intelligent applications with faster vector search + enhanced full-text search
  • Scale applications, not complexity with Autoscaling
  • Deploy SingleStore Helios in your own VPC

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Product announcements

Unfreeze your Data Lakehouse + Power intelligent applications

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Unfreeze your data lakehouse

Subsecond analytics + apps on open data lakehouses

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SingleStore’s data platform is indispensable for analyzing our data and delivering real- time insights to our customers. This latest update continues to push the boundaries of what we can accomplish by harnessing all of our enterprise data in real time. We’re looking forward to leveraging the latest cutting-edge features to continue growing our and our clients' business.

Mauricio Aristizabal
Principal Data Architect at

powering-the-best-in-thePowering the best in the
business — and the world