I want to rename the column quote_comments to cfg_commants
ALTER TABLE supp_quote_detail RENAME user_quote_support_comments to user_cfg_support_comments;
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'to
and i try to change also not working
ALTER TABLE quote_detail CHANGE user_support_comments user_cfg_support_comments text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL;
can please guide the rename column …
December 1, 2020, 6:00pm
You should use “MODIFY” with ALTER TABLE. We have an example of this in the documentation:
Hope that helps!
Thanks Galley
but i have data in table and i need to rename the name not the data type of the column.
if use the modify command also i am getting an error message.
ALTER TABLE quote_detail modify user_cfg_comments text;
i.e my table name is quote_detail
in this i have
quote_id int,
user_quote_comments text
now i need to change to user_quote_comments to user_cfg_comments
December 1, 2020, 6:22pm
My apologies, I misunderstood your question.
Have you tried:
ALTER TABLE quote_detail CHANGE user_quote_comments user_cfg_comments;
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Thanks, but it is very hard that small command also not able found … thanks for the community you people are a very quick response to help devlopers
Hi @sumanamara2020
I frequently rename table in SingleStore. here is a technique I use.
Modifying Table
I would advise to use the table swap approach when you want to modify a table.
There are many advantages for this:
Allow you to create the final table , load some data in it an test it.
Allow you to keep backup of previous table
Swapping table is fairly fast.
If you are using a pipeline against a table you want to modify, you’ll have to stop the pipeline and drop it.
Command to swap:
alter table table_a rename to table_a_old ;
alter table table_a_new rename to table_a ;
** Inserting data from previous table **
I use information_schema.columns to generate the list of columns (attributes)
Select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns
Where table_name = ‘’ and table_schema =’’
Order by ordinal_position ;
This will give you the list of columns, commas separated. All you have to do is copy and paste.
This will save you time when writing :
Insert into table_new (column list) select column_list from table_a
Create the new table with proper columns
Insert data from current table using method pointed above
Swap when ready.