Backup `cluster` database


I’m working on a backup script to backup all my SingleStore databases. When attempting to backup the cluster database using the root user, I get:

singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE cluster to "/tmp";
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'root'@'%' to database 'cluster'

However, as root, I do see the database, and can inspect it:

singlestore> show databases;
| Database           |
| cluster            |
| deployment_test    |
| information_schema |
| memsql             |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

singlestore> use cluster
Database changed
singlestore> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Am I seeing a pseudo-database? Or (coming from MySQL) are users able to see all databases but not their data, even if they have no grants?


  • Should this database be backed up? I don’t know if it contains import data, because I can’t find any information about this database in the documentation.
  • Is it correct that root does not have access to this database?

I already excluded the information_schema and memsql databases, based on the documentation at SingleStoreDB Cloud · SingleStore Documentation

The cluster database is built-in. You don’t need to back it up.

To back up all the data on your cluster, just back up all the user database.

But, there is other information about your system that that will not back up, namely, users, grants, roles, resource groups and similar cluster-wide information. To output that information, use this utility:

Then keep the results in a safe location, in case you need to restore to another cluster and want the same users, roles, grants, etc.

Thank you. I see that sdb-admin dump is able to create dumps of the DDL statements that construct the database schema. Are users -who want to back up their user databases- advised to use CREATE BACKUP (physical backup) or dump or both? The documentation implies physical backup for user databases, and dump for resources/users/etc.

I see that my original post was edited, but I don’t see any changes … Regardless, the original question is still relevant.

Hi Wedwards! Your issue is very important to us and thanks for your patience. I am escalating this internally so we can have an answer for you soon.