BACKUP DATABASE is not permitted on child aggregators

Running Singlestore CIAB (Cluster in a box) on Ubuntu.
Trying to backup DB to S3 and I’m getting:

This instance is not the master aggregator. BACKUP DATABASE is not permitted on child aggregators without SYNC_PERMISSIONS

I tried to use SET GLOBAL sync_permissions = ON;
But I’m getting

This instance is not the master aggregator. SETTING SYNC SETTINGS is not permitted on child aggregators without SYNC_PERMISSIONS being enabled.

Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us. Have you checked if you are currently connected to the MA? To do this, you can use the command “SHOW AGGREGATORS;” which will show you if you are connected to the MA or CA. Look for the aggregator with the value “1” for MA. This way, you can use the IP address, port, and hostname of that aggregator to connect. Here is the docs link

To connect, use the following command:

singlestore -h <master_hostname_or_ip> -P <port> -u <username> -p

Alternatively, you may want to try promoting a CA to MA. This way, you can ensure that you are connected to the MA while performing the backup operation.

Please let us know if this is helpful.

Thank You,