Cannot get source metadata for pipeline. Failed to create consumer: failed: No further error information available

Hey Team, below is the command that i am using, but when i create the kafka pipeline command i get the below error:
ERROR 1933 ER_EXTRACTOR_EXTRACTOR_GET_LATEST_OFFSETS: Cannot get source metadata for pipeline. Failed to create consumer: failed: No further error information available

Command used:
CREATE PIPELINE ticketmaster_pipeline AS


CONFIG '{“sasl.username”: “AWS_ACCESS_KEY”,

     "sasl.mechanism": "PLAIN",

     "security.protocol": "SASL_SSL",

     "": "/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts"}'

CREDENTIALS ‘{“sasl.password”: “AWS_PSWD/Z”}’

INTO TABLE ticketmaster_kafka

FORMAT JSON (event_url ← event_url,event_id ← event_id,timestamp ← timestamp,event_name ← event_name,venue ← venue,event_datetime ← event_datetime,city ← city,state ← state,section ← section,row ← row,qty ← qty,seat_ids ← seat_ids,seat_numbers ← seat_numbers,inventory_type ← inventory_type,price ← price);

My kafka setup in on AWS MSK insatnce and i have data in the topic also

Welcome aboard rishidhariwal! :wave:

Earlier his month, around June 17th, we had a live working session with the customer where this situation came up and we actually resolved the issue.

The main problem was that the Kafka topic wasn’t publicly accessible as they didn’t specify a username/password there.

This was fixed by removing the existing CONFIG and CREDENTIALS sections and adding this line:
CONFIG '{"security.protocol": "ssl"}'

Hope this work for you and look forward to hearing that your issue is resolved. Cheers