Column comments available to ChatGPT plugin

Hello SingleStore

I have been playing around with the ChatGPT plugin and it works quite well but it would be even better if it could provide column comments included in the schema as ChatGPT can then use the comments to understand each column better and generate more accurate queries.

If I ask ChatGPT if it can read the column comments this is the reply I get:

As of now, I don’t have the capability to directly read column comments or descriptions from a SingleStore database through the tools available to me. I can access basic schema information, such as table names and column names with their data types, but detailed column comments or descriptions are not retrievable through these tools.

and then it says:

If you can provide the column comments or any additional context about your database schema, I can certainly use that information to assist you better with your queries or data analysis.

Are there any plans for this to be added to the plugin?

Sindri Már

Hi Sindri!

Thank you for trying our ChatGPT plugin and giving us this feedback.

Today the plugin does not pull the COLUMN_COMMENT from our Information Schema. I have passed the feedback to our engineering team and they will make the update to the plugin so you don’t have to pass this manually.

Will post an update once this is complete.


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For context for others reading this, here’s a blog post on the SingleStore ChatGPT plugin:

Hi Pranav

Thanks a lot for looking into this and great to hear that you will include this in the (hopefully) near future! Would help for ChatGPT to be even more accurate when generating the SQL code.

Sindri Már

Hi Sindri Már,

We have just added support to pass the data in COLUMN_COMMENT to ChatGPT as context. Let us know if this improves the quality of responses from the plug in :slight_smile:

Btw, have you tried SQrL bot? SQrL is hyper-trained on our docs, blogs and website and we find it very useful to get technical help or generate SQL syntax that is SingleStore specific. Would love to hear feedback on your usage of SQrL!


Hi Pranav

Well, that was fast! Thank you so much :grinning:

I have tried the SQrL bot and it works very well actually, I don’t have a lot of experience with it but very happy with what I have used it for!
