Currently, we allow the temporary table to exist on the same database as the source table. In your case, the temporary table should be created on db_a.
The only other schema from where we allow select, is from information_schema.
As you know temporary tables will vanish at the end of the user session. So, is there a real need for it to be created on a different database?
Thanks Narayanan. I am able to create temporary tables for smaller tables (few thousand rows) in another DB but not for larger tables (multi-million rows). Not sure what are the limits?
I am not sure how you are able to create the temporary table in another database. Even with MemSQL 7.0.6, I get the error when trying to do the same. Can you post your command here to verify?
memsql> use Test;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
memsql> create temporary table temp1 as select * from ramesh.ram1;
ERROR 1749 (HY000): Feature ‘Cross database insert select into temporary tables’ is not supported by MemSQL Distributed.
memsql> select @@memsql_version;
| @@memsql_version |
| 7.0.6 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
I work in a cross functional team where we often deal with multiple databases to gather data, store them in a temporary table and make the manipulations according to our business need. It will be really helpful if you can suggest any workaround / alternative for cross database insert.