I have a stored procedure that needs to execute a series of SQL queries using a dynamic IN list.
Here is an example:
CREATE or replace PROCEDURE procedure_name(a integer, b ARRAY(INT))
query = select count(distinct c) from table WHERE a_filter = a and b_filter IN (b);
returnvalue = SCALAR(query);
END //
The problem is that an array datatype cannot be used in the IN filter. Furthermore, I could not find any other suitable datatypes that would allow me to pass any form of “list” to construct the query above.
The only solution I found was to iterate over the array and create a string list, and then concatenate the query as a string and the TO_QUERY method.
CREATE or replace PROCEDURE procedure_name(a integer, b ARRAY(INT))
< create b_list_string from b >
query = TO_QUERY(concat(‘select count(distinct c) from table WHERE a_filter = a and b_filter IN (’,b_list_string,’);’)):
returnvalue = SCALAR(query);
END //
However, this seems very slow and I am concerned that I loose the benefit of compiling the query only once but have it compile each time the TO_QUERY method is used.
Is there something I am missing? Perhaps another way of creating the IN list dynamically?
Here’s an example of the style I was talking about:
create table t(i int);
insert into t values(1), (2), (3), (4);
delimiter //
create or replace procedure p(a array(int)) as
create temporary table tmp(a int);
for i in a loop
insert into tmp values(i);
end loop;
echo select * from t, tmp where t.i = tmp.a;
drop table tmp;
end //
delimiter ;
delimiter //
create or replace procedure d() as
a array(int) = create_array(2);
a[0] = 2;
a[1] = 3;
call p(a);
end //
delimiter ;
call d();
memsql> call d();
| i | a |
| 3 | 3 |
| 2 | 2 |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)