Trying to create a many to many relationship table in memsql through sqlalchemy. But got this Error 1706, "Feature 'FOREIGN (non-SHARD) key to a sharded table' is not supported by MemSQL
user_camera = Table('usercamera', Base.metadata,
Column('user-id', BIGINT, ForeignKey('')),
Column('camera-id', String(length=180), ForeignKey('')))
class User(Base):
"""represents a user"""
__tablename__ = 'user'
id = Column(BIGINT, primary_key=True)
email = Column(String(length=180))
password = Column(String(length=180))
create_time = Column(String(length=180))
camera = relationship('Camera', secondary=user_camera, back_populates="user")
class Camera(Base):
"""represents a camera"""
__tablename__ = 'camera'
id = Column(String(length=180), primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(length=180))
user = relationship('User', secondary=user_camera, back_populates='camera')
How do I fix it, or better a many to many relationship the RIGHT way in memsql?