File System Pipeline - Running as a service?

Hi, we’re trying to deploy a Singlestore instance to AKS using the operator (v1.2.4), cluster version 7.3.3, and have just about got it working with this one oddity. We’ve previously been proving the concept using the cluster in a box, and would mount the file system onto the container and could just create FS pipelines.

Now when we try this with our deployed cluster it’s giving the error “Feature ‘FS pipelines when running MemSQL as a service’ is not supported by MemSQL”. Is there another way to run the cluster? Perhaps some setting/flag we need to set? I think the location is mapped ok, we just need it to believe in itself.

One other oddity I noticed which might indicate something - the root user now has the username “admin” rather than “root”, and doesn’t always seem to manage to authenticate with the leaf nodes, but eventually it does. Not sure if that’s relevant.

Hi William,

Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to our community!

What you are seeing is expected behavior:
The SingleStore Operator does not allow users to mount files/directories to the container. If this is done, our Operator believes that the actual state of the cluster is different from the CR, and the operator will attempt to take the status of the cluster to what the CR describes, which is the ultimate source of truth for the cluster state. We can evaluate supporting FS pipelines with the Operator as a feature request.

In the meantime, since you are using Azure (I assume by AKS), can you use Azure Blob Storage Pipelines? This is the recommended way to load data if you are in Azure.

Finally, thank you for bringing this up because it’s come to my attention that we can make our documentation clearer about what’s supported.

As a follow-up to this task, I’ll be creating a feature request about supporting FS pipelines while using K8’s, as well as a documentation task to clarify that it’s currently not supported.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
