Is there a command that shows the contents of a singlestore database backup dump without restoring the dump ?
The output would show the list of tables that are included in the dump and the count of each table ?
SingleStore does not provide a built-in command to show the contents of a database backup dump. We use only mysqldump.
What is the approach to export to a file and then import into a completely separate instance when using SIngleStore Kai? I tried mongodump -u XX -p YY --host ZZZ etc. and just got timed out everytime.
I also want to version control the export which is why I want the export to save on disk.
This question is related to Kai, can you please create a new fresh post for this so our experts can look into it.
Hello, I think as a new account I do not have that privilege so I appended the question here.
Maybe I am missing how to crete a new topic?