Hello I am using the version 7.0.2 of memsql
We have a strange behavior using group_concat in a procedure
create table FRED(id bigint(19) primary key auto_increment, name varchar(10), value varchar(10), pkey char(3), is_unit char(1));
insert into FRED (name, value, pkey, is_unit) values
(‘def’,‘u1’,‘1234’,‘B’);select name, group_concat(value order by is_unit asc separator ’ ’ ) as res from FRED
group by name,pkey;
this gives the expected result
name res
abc val u
def val1 u1
calling that in a procedure gives another result
delimiter //
create or replace procedure test_concat() returns query(name varchar(10), res varchar(20)) as
q query(name varchar(10), res varchar(20))= select name, group_concat(value order by is_unit asc separator ’ ') as res from FRED group by name, pkey;
return q;
end //echo test_concat();
name res
abc valA uB
def val1A u1B
The is_unit is shown in the group_concat and it should not be