Historical queries, query start time, CPU used

How can I find details related to “historical” queries run on the DB, How long it ran, start time, memory used, how many times user connected, etc.

Hi Prajwal,

Thank you for reaching out!

By default, SingleStore has near-real-time data on query execution stored in the information_schema tables. Among many other monitoring metrics, we store data about queries executing on the cluster in our management views. These tables show things like resource usage, elapsed time, and other metrics about a query shape. I believe this is what you are looking for.

While these management view tables have near-real-time data, per your ask, you can get time-series data to go back in time and monitor by using SingleStore DB’s monitoring solution. Our monitoring is an end-to-end solution powered by an exporter process that collects data overtime on a particular SingleStore cluster. The solution transforms the data and stores it in a local or remote SingleStore cluster automatically, and it comes with pre-built Grafana dashboards.

The key dashboards it seems you would be interested in are our Active Session History dashboard, which shows activities on the cluster, their given resource use, and other key metrics. Similarly, we have an Activity History dashboard, which allows you to visit historical metrics around activity and compare it to the current execution. You can read more about the pre-built dashboards we provide in the solution here.

Please let me know if this answers your questions or if there is anything else we can do to help.
