[HY000][1706] Feature 'FORMAT PARQUET in non-pipeline LOAD DATA.' is not supported by SingleStore

Hey all,
I’m trying to load parquet file into singlestore, but the error states that i can’t do that in non-pipeline LOAD DATA.

The query is:
load data infile ‘path/loadable.parquet’ into table test_db.test_table(event_ts ← event_ts, some_column ← some_column) FORMAT PARQUET;

Is it a misconfiguration or by design?


What is the exact error message?

LOAD DATA in PARQUET is supported:

[HY000][1706] Feature ‘FORMAT PARQUET in non-pipeline LOAD DATA.’ is not supported by SingleStore

Interesting. What version are you on? You can check with

select @@memsql_version;

@hanson The version is 8.0.16