Installing Multiple (Isolated) Instances of a Master & Leaf Node Setup on the same Bare Metal Linux Machine

Hey all,

Would it be possible to install multiple (isolated) instances of a Master & Leaf node setup on the same bare metal Linux machine?

For example: Master 1 (port 3306) & Leaf 1 (port 3307) with --datadir pointed to hard disk #1. Master 2 (port 3308) & Leaf 2 (port 3309) with --datadir pointed to hard disk #2? Each system is isolated, Master 1 will never retrieve data from Leaf 2. Master 2 will never retrieve data from Leaf 1.

We’d like to compare overall performance across 2 sets of hard disks without having to build separate docker containers.


Since you’re trying to do something non-standard, you will need to use a lower level tool like memsqlctl.

Install memsql-server:
sudo apt-get install memsql-server6.8.8-cd5ccd98a9

Create separate node file:
touch /var/lib/memsql/file1
touch /var/lib/memsql/file1.lock
chmod 640 /var/lib/memsql/file1.lock
chown memsql:memsql /var/lib/memsql/file1.lock

Create nodes:
memsqlctl --node-metadata-file /var/lib/memsql/file1 create-node -P 3306 -p “password”
memsqlctl --node-metadata-file /var/lib/memsql/file1 create-node -P 3307 -p “password”
memsqlctl --node-metadata-file /var/lib/memsql/file1 bootstrap-aggregator --host localhost --license …
memsqlctl --node-metadata-file /var/lib/memsql/file1 add-leaf --host localhost --port 3307 --password “password”

Repeat the above 3308, 3309 using file2 as node-metadata-file.

You can specify whichever datadir you want to use in the create-node commands. Hope this helps.

That worked perfectly, thanks a ton daryl!