Kubernetes Operator client-go

Is there a client-go package for the Kubernetes Operator?

Hello jmjava,

We don’t have a client-go package specific to our Kubernetes Operator.

Is there a specific need / use case that you were looking for?

Kind regards,

I was looking at possibly creating an Operator for a project that would delegate down to the MemSQL operator. This project would need to provision MemSQL dynamically. Similar to the way Operators can access the kubernetes client or istio client i was hoping to import a memsql client to get control over the MemSQL CRDs.

Something like this: Extending Kubernetes APIs with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

Is any of the operator code Open Source?

Not yet. It is something we are looking into doing though. Can’t give you any firm timeline at this point.


Fair Enough :slight_smile: Thanks for the update! Having a Go API would be amazing - anything in that direction is great. Thanks.

Hi, I’m also wanting to create CRs programatically (golang), would be great to have the operator CRD APIs public so that I could pull those into my code. thanks.