Load JSON Data Containing Base64-encoded binary

Example JSON:


With the following table:

  a binary(6) NOT NULL,
  b binary(12) NOT NULL

I’m trying to LOAD DATA into the table using FORMAT JSON.
I know there’s a handy function FROM_BASE64(str) but I’m having trouble using it in the LOAD DATA statement. Unfortunately SingleStoreDB Cloud · SingleStore Documentation is not making it any more clear.

We do in fact support this via MySQL-style expressions on @-variables in a SET clause. With your example, that’d be:

MySQL [db]> load data local infile “/tmp/example.json” into table example(@foo ← a, @bar ← b) format json set a = from_base64(@foo), b = from_base64(@bar);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

MySQL [db]> select * from example;
| a | b |
| "3DUf | "3DUf"3DUf |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I agree with your analysis of the docs. We’ll make the function of the SET clause there clearer.