Masternode crash after query hit

Memsql master node keep crashing after a query is hit ( query is basically simple select joining from 5 tables which return 22735 rows total )
I have 2 leafs and 1 master setup with each leaf having 16gb ram and enough space
memsql version :- 5.5.5

from master log files :-
[memsqld (0xdcd4cc)] RegisterCrashReport 0x5C
/mnt/data/memsql/master-3506/memsqld() [0x9dc174]
[ (0x7efe28525330)] 0x10330
[memsqld (0xa0766c)] opQueryArrangementToPartitions 0x2CC
/mnt/data/memsql/master-3506/memsqld() [0x9d1dd9]
[memsqld (0xc76f40)] MemsqlAutoParamExecute(QueryContext&, char, unsigned int, char&, QueryStats&, int, int) 0x2420
[memsqld (0xc8cf35)] MemSqlDDLParseAndExecuteInternal(QueryContext
, char
, unsigned int, int, long&, DDL_PARSE_RES_TYPE&, bool, char
&) 0x9E75
[memsqld (0xc8f00d)] MemSqlDDLParseAndExecute(QueryContext&, char
, unsigned int, char*&, int, long&, bool) 0x9D
[memsqld (0xc8f57f)] MemSqlExecute(char*, unsigned int, int, int, bool, QueryContext&) 0x48F
[memsqld (0xeab4e6)] HandleRequest(ConnectionContext*, char*, unsigned long) 0x426
[memsqld (0xeac0ab)] ReadAndExecute(ConnectionContext*) 0x1FBCurrent time: 2020-10-
29 13:09:28

Can someone help what exactly went wrong ?
I can provide query if needed

Can you confirm the version that you are using by running the following query show variables like 'memsql_version'? 5.5.5 is a 4 year old version and has been out of support for 2 years.

memsql>show variables like ‘memsql_version’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| memsql_version | 5.5.5 |

Ok, I’d strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version as it will most likely fix your crash.

There is no other way rather upgrade ?

That’s correct. There have been 4 years of feature development and bug fixes since 5.5 was released so you will be able to get some really great improvements when you upgrade.