May I deploy cluster on nfs storage?

When I deploy cluster on nfs storage,I got error message, How can i fix this problem?

02223468 2020-04-20 13:45:15.448 ERROR: Thread 115097: CreateFileAndAllocateSpace: Unsupported file system detected - ‘posix_fallocate’ is not supported.
02223483 2020-04-20 13:45:15.448 ERROR: Thread 115097: CreateFileAndAllocateSpace: MemSQL uses ‘posix_fallocate’ to handle out-of-disk conditions graciously.
02223492 2020-04-20 13:45:15.448 ERROR: Thread 115097: CreateFileAndAllocateSpace: If you wish to turn on MemSQL, and accept the risk of crashes on out-of-disk, set the global variable allow-unsupported-filesystem.
02223501 2020-04-20 13:45:15.448 FAIL: Thread 115097: CreateFileAndAllocateSpace: Unsupported filesystem does not support ‘posix_fallocate’, and ‘allow-unsupported-filesystem’ is not set.

For large-scale, high-performance use of MemSQL, we don’t recommend storing your database data directory on NFS. It can be done but it is going to be more reliable to use local disk or SSD-based files systems on each leaf node.

NFS works great as a target for backup and restore, SELECT INTO OUTFILE, and that sort of thing.

If you must use NFS, you can set


to ON. It is a startup variable, so, assuming you are using tools and not MemSQL Ops, set it like this:

memsql-admin update-config --key allow_unsupported_filesystem --value ON --all

then do

memsql-admin restart-node --all

Thank you for your reply.

I have another question.If i buy a license for 12 uints,Can i use it permanently and no need to pay each year?