Memsql/cluster-in-a-box latest image failed to start container #3

after pulling the latest image this issue occurs

    ~/workdir/js/master *16 !1 ▓▒░ docker-compose up  memsql                                                            ░▒▓ 2 ✘  15s   2.7.2   08:24:30 
    Recreating platform-js_memsql_1 ... done
    Attaching to platform-js_memsql_1
    memsql_1           | 2021-07-26 05:24:41.431505 Starting Cluster
    memsql_1           | Latest errors from MemSQL tracelog:
    memsql_1           | 13651863 2021-07-26 05:24:55.333  FATAL: Thread 115111: jumpToUpgradeStep: This node is not managed by a supported tool. Please use a toolbox version at least as new as 1.11.3.
    memsql_1           | : Failed to connect to MemSQL: process exited: exit status 1
    memsql_1           | Traceback (most recent call last):
    memsql_1           |   File "/startup", line 122, in <module>
    memsql_1           |     start_cluster()
    memsql_1           |   File "/startup", line 86, in start_cluster
    memsql_1           |     ctl("start-node", "--all")
    memsql_1           |   File "/startup", line 18, in ctl
    memsql_1           |     subprocess.check_output(["memsqlctl", "-yj"] + list(args)))
    memsql_1           |   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 575, in check_output
    memsql_1           |     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
    memsql_1           | subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['memsqlctl', '-yj', 'start-node', '--all']' returned non-zero exit status 1

on this version everything works fine memsql/cluster-in-a-box:centos-7.3.12-2d93725f98-3.2.11-1.11.7

this is my docker-compose setup using memsql/cluster-in-a-box

    image: memsql/cluster-in-a-box
      - "./init.sql"
      - "3307:3306"
      - "8080:8080"
      ROOT_PASSWORD: 'root'

‘Please use a toolbox version at least as new as 1.11.3.’

OS: macOs bigSur v11.4
Docker : v20.10.7

Hey Naor, thanks for reaching out on our forums. I see that you also posted this question on StackOverflow so i’ll refer you to my answer there.

thank you brooo but i