MEMSQL returing undefined results

I am trying to query results from my MEMSQL database, and have been unsuccessful.
Once the application starts i get an error stating" The solution is undefined" , followed by the
results i’m trying to query.

The results show up in the console log, but not in the actual application.

Ive attached a copy of my code below:


if (err) throw err

function getTeams(callback){

var results = connection.query(‘SELECT ID, NAME FROM TEAM’,function(err, results, fields){

if (err) throw err
console.log('The solution is: ', results[0].solution);

return callback(results);

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

I’m not familiar with this area, but for someone to help, it’ll help to know the application programming language & version, OS version, MemSQL version, driver name, and driver version.

Your query doesn’t select a “solution” field, so that’s why results[0].solution would be undefined.