Monitoring MemSQL cluster with Elastic MySQL Metricbeat

Hello Team,

Our monitoring solution is ELK and I wonder if we can use MySQL Beat to monitor Memsql cluster.

Thanks in advance,

Hello chen,

Our team has not tested with MySQL MetricBeat, But I can make you aware of certain caveats.

  1. If the product depends on MySQL performance_schema, then it will not work against MemSQL as we do not have performance_schema.
  2. We have several tables storing metrics in the information_schema though.

We have a Historical Monitoring product developed in-house and integrated with Kafka and Grafana. If you would like to install it please follow this document link SingleStoreDB Cloud · SingleStore Documentation

Please do post back on your experience setting up and using Historical Monitoring.


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Thanks rnarayanan, I’ll check it out!

We tested the on-prem central monitoring using Kafka/Grafana and it seemed to work great with the default dashboards included. The documentation in docs.memsql is very limited and can be a bit confounding with the terminology. MONITORED_CLUSTER (a cluster being monitored) and COLLECTING_CLUSTER (Central monitor which runs kafka and grafana datashboards) would avoid the confusion. But overall a great win for memsql… if we can get 2 dozen pre-canned dashboards (with json) that would be fabulous… we are already starting to implement it ubiquitously.

Great feedback isanth. Do you have specific metrics or views that would be most helpful if included in pre-canned dashboards?

yes. will be in touch with you the secure customer channel, as I need some time to dredge up all the needed metrics/dashboards which will be super useful (that also assumes we have v7.1 capabilities like blocking info etc… more like a OLTP requirement in memsql.)