Not able to mark training courses as completed

Dear Team,

I have been planning to completed Self-Paced MemSQL trainings from Memsql training portal but two of the courses I am not able to mark as completed but in fact these trainings are completed.

Pending Trainings : indexes and Storage, I am not able mark them as completed.

Please could help me in completing these trainings as completed for my user.

Naga S

Hi Naga,

Sorry for the trouble. I’ve asked people on our training team to get back to you.



Sorry for the inconvenience, I have updated the completion status on these two courses.


Dear @lsmithbates, @hanson,

Thanks for your quick support. It’s reflecting now.

Naga S

Dear @lsmithbates,

Please could you mark "Offline Deployment with the Browser UI " training also as completed.

Naga S

I had a similar problem, and I found that it was because when you get to the Knowledge Check, if you click the larger “Next” button it skips the Knowledge Check and moves on to the next topic. Notice there are two “Next” buttons. Click the smaller button with the arrow to proceed through the Knowledge Check. That worked for me. Hope that helps. Best, Kevin


I have the same problem, I cannot mark course complete
Procedural SQL ID: E-1GLN9V
all three Labs.
Does anybody completed that successfully?

I have the same problem too, three courses can’t mark as completed. Can you help me in this solutions, please?

I asked @hanson, may be he will help us.