Open the studio page and report an error

I installed memsql studio with memsql-studio-1.6.3-1c01a23387.x86_64.rpm. After opening the page, I get an error : net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

Thank you for reporting this! Are you using any of the following in your network?

  • Nginx (or any other proxy)
  • Firewall
  • Anti Virus
  • VPN

Also, please describe to us your network infrastructure (how you’re running and serving studio and from which machine you’re trying to connect to it).

I do not use above software. use systemctl start memsql-studio to run at centos 7.6

Are you trying to load the Studio web application from the same CentOS machine where it is running? If yes, then you should try changing the port where Studio is running by editing the Studio configuration in your CentOS machine1. Simply edit the file /etc/memsql/memsql-studio.hcl to have:

port = 8999

If you’re not trying to load the Studio web application from the same CentOS machine where it is running, I’m going to need more details about your network infrastructure.

I changed the port, But unfortunately the same error occurs .

But I used the nginx proxy studio to solve the above problem.


This is a cool solve. Have you blogged about this technique? We’d love to tweet about your solution.

I had the same issue , followed the steps and it worked !!

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