Pipeline using replace duplicate

Pipeline with duplicate key.

I am trying to create pipeline with replace duplicate key but it it not allowing to do and throwing and error. I am using version 6.

Please suggest.

Could you please provide your table schema and pipeline definition?

Thanks for the reply, please find my statement.

create or replace pipeline testload03
As loaddata fs’/testpipe/test_extract_*.txt’
Batch interval 2500 max_partitions_per_batch 31
Enable out_of_order optimization
Replace duplicate key errors
Into table testgroup(attribute details)
Fields terminated by ‘,’ lines terminated by ‘\n’;

If I change ‘ Replace duplicate key errors’ to ‘ skip duplicate key errors’ it is working fine.

My interest is if duplicate it should replace.

Please suggest.

And can you paste the table schema?

I think the syntax you’re looking for is replace, rather than replace duplicate key errors.

MySQL [db]> create table t(a int, b int, primary key(a));
MySQL [db]> insert into t values (1, 0);
MySQL [db]> create pipeline p as load data fs "/tmp/1.csv" replace into table t fields terminated by ",";
MySQL [db]> start pipeline p foreground;
MySQL [db]> select * from t;
| a | b    |
| 1 |    4 |

 ~: cat /tmp/1.csv 
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
1, 4

Thank you, it is working.

I wanted to load one field with null using pipeline, how can I load nulls using pipeline approach.

For your table can we have data in pipeline file as below.


I tried with NULL, it is loading as string.

As well, suppose I have the date field and I gave invalid date like 2020-20-90, instead of rejecting record, pipeline loading with 0001-01-01, please let me know how can the record be rejected with out loading with pipeline approach.

Any help please on above 2 posts.

This is a separate question not related to the thread title. Do you mind posting a separate question?