Hello, I have procedure using command LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE and try compile the procedure in version 7.3.12 is show me the following error:
I have the version 6.8 and this problem not ocorrur.
I check the variables local_infile is setting true.
The option LOCAL was removed in the news versions ?
Msg error:
Error Code: 1706. Compilation error in function TMC.SPI_DispatchMsisdnBase near line 14:
Feature ‘LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is forbidden inside procedures.
Use LOAD DATA INFILE instead.’ is not supported by MemSQL.
We added a lockdown for this in 7.3. One of my coworkers summarized the issue well as follows:
“The expected behavior of local infile vs just infile is that the SQL client issuing the query opens the file locally and sends it to memsql over the connection socket. But here there’s no real point to that, since it’s just the aggregator querying itself and all files local to the client are local to the server too.”
Thankfully, there is a simple workaround of just removing the “local” keyword