So I’m not sure if this database is unable to fully recover because I’d created a RowStore table that exceeded my available total RAM (is there a way I can directly delete this?), or because my database entered a corrupted state, which I’d hope not. This error did however start as soon as I’d attempted to copy an existing ColumnStore table into a new RowStore table using the "INSERT INTO <new_table> SELECT * FROM <old_table> command.
This database is currently on a trial (development) version of MemSQL 7.1.3, while our production data is on the standard version of MemSQL on another machine. However, this current database has more up-to-date data and would much preferably love to salvage whatever I can, as this would set our work back several months.
If this database is truly unable to recover due to my RAM limitations (I’m currently using 128GB on this Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS machine), would it be possible to create a temporary swap file with for ex, 1 TB, to fool MemSQL into thinking I have more than 128 GB, then recover this database?
I ran the following command across my master, aggregator, and leaf nodes with no success:
memsql-admin update-config --key maximum_memory --value 500000 --memsql-id
memsql-admin update-config --key maximum_memory --value 500000 --memsql-id
memsql-admin update-config --key maximum_memory --value 500000 --memsql-id
I’d also attempted the same directly in mysql:
set @@global.maximum_memory=500000;
set @@global.maximum_table_memory=500000;
However, MemSQL still sees 128GB, as I’m not sure if that would’ve helped anyway:
All 24 partitions are still showing as “Recovering” 12 hours later. I know exactly which RowStore table caused this issue, as well as the name… if only I can directly delete that from my hard-disk…
I’d highly appreciate any help with this matter, as again beign unable to recover this database will set us back several months.