Set timezone from UTC to EDT in Singlestore k8s Operator deployment


I have a singlestore cluster deployed on k8s as per the instructions in Kubernetes · SingleStore Documentation and I am running into an issue with the timestamp.
By default, the singlestore master pod timezone is being set as UTC.

I want the timezone to be set as EDT instead of UTC.

I tried following Setting the Time Zone in SingleStore · SingleStore Documentation and I was able to add the below section to my cluster.yml

  default_time_zone: "-04:00"

and while it did not change the timezone inside the pod, it changed the timestamp to reflect that of EDT.

While this technically works, we are running into requirements issues for the timezone to be set as EDT instead of UTC, and this is not a proper solution for our use-case.

Can anyone let me know if I am doing something wrong here.

Hi Harish,

Please note we do not currently support updating the system time zone.