SingleStore Self-Managed Deployment Script

Hey SingleStore community,

I’ve been a long-time user of SingleStore and have experienced the hurdles when building a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) with it. It all started when I got an Apple Silicon Macbook and couldn’t run SingleStore locally. Later I figured and shared how to run SingleStore on Apple Silicon to ease the experience in development.

I’ve since gone on to use SingleStores self-managed tier to launch a SaaS that garnered over 2 million records on a $50/mo dedicated machine. I’ve had to install the self-managed package more times than I can count, so I built my own in-house script that would simplify the process to deploy staging environments with little to no manual input.

I’ve now since tidied this up so that others can use and enjoy it to deploy their next idea with SingleStore, I am genuinely blown away by how far the self-managed tier can scale as a stepping stone to moving to their cloud version.

Here’s the guide on Deploying SingleStore Self-Managed.

Enjoy :slight_smile: