Strict mode deactivation

Hi. there.
I activated ‘strict mode’ for leaf node(t3308 port).
However, I would like to deactivate it again. Is there any way? Do I have to delete this node and reconfigure it?

[root@gpuserver /var/lib/memsql/fef5a05c-fc84-43a4-bc98-f7999241dca1]# memsql -P3308 -p

| Variable_name          | Value                                                          |
| auditlog_disk_sync     | OFF                                                            |
| auditlog_level         | ADMIN-ONLY                                                     |
| auditlog_rotation_size | 134217728                                                      |
| auditlog_rotation_time | 3600                                                           |
| auditlogsdir           | /var/lib/memsql/fef5a05c-fc84-43a4-bc98-f7999241dca1/auditlogs |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

memsql>  show variables like '%strict%';
| Variable_name                       | Value |
| local_file_system_access_restricted | OFF   |
| strict_mode                         | ON    |
| strict_passwords                    | OFF   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


thanks in advance;

Did you set strict_mode in memsql.cnf and restart the cluster, or just change it on this one leaf somehow? How exactly did you turn it on?

If you turned it on in memsql.cnf and restarted the cluster, the change is not reversible.

There’s no way to reverse it. You’d need to have a backup you took before turning on strict mode. Then restore that to a newly installed cluster. Or use mysqldump (a logical backup) and restore that to your new cluster.