In this code challenge, we’ll work with time-series data. SingleStore is ideal for quickly ingesting and quickly querying and bucketing time-series data. In this challenge we’ll ingest a smart meter dataset and run queries to find trends.
Craft queries to find the meters with the highest usage.
- Download University of California Irvine’s
ElectricityLoadDiagrams20112014 Data Set
from UCI Machine Learning Repository
Create a table for the meter data.
Import the data set from UC Irvine.
Create queries to answer the following questions:
a. Per day: Which consumed the most per day? Identify the date, meter, and total energy consumed for the highest consuming meter per day.
b. Per month: Which consumed the most per month? Identify the date, meter, and total energy consumed for the highest consuming meter per month.
c. Per year: How much did the annual usage change per year?
d. Which meter came online last?
How to Win
Post your table definition, load script, and queries as a public repo or gist on GitHub.
Submit your GitHub URL to SingleStore Code Challenge.
All complete entries will receive this month’s Code Challenge badge in the forum.