Unable to update to latest version of Cluster In A Box

So I got these messages of outdated Studio and DB version.
I then performed the following:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose pull  
docker-compose up -d

to force the :latest tag.

However, when started, I see following:

singlestore_1  | 2021-11-18 16:23:16.511642 Starting Cluster

singlestore_1  | Latest errors from MemSQL tracelog:

singlestore_1  | 03385587 2021-11-18 16:23:20.125  FATAL: Thread 115118: jumpToUpgradeStep: This node is not managed by a supported tool. Please use a toolbox version at least as new as 1.11.3.

singlestore_1  | : Failed to connect to MemSQL: process exited: exit status 1

singlestore_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):

singlestore_1  |   File "/startup", line 122, in <module>

singlestore_1  |     start_cluster()

singlestore_1  |   File "/startup", line 86, in start_cluster

singlestore_1  |     ctl("start-node", "--all")

singlestore_1  |   File "/startup", line 18, in ctl

singlestore_1  |     subprocess.check_output(["memsqlctl", "-yj"] + list(args)))

singlestore_1  |   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 575, in check_output

singlestore_1  |     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)

singlestore_1  | subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['memsqlctl', '-yj', 'start-node', '--all']' returned non-zero exit status 1

singlestore_singlestore_1 exited with code 1

My docker-compose file:

version: '3'

    image: memsql/cluster-in-a-box:latest
    - 3306:3306
    - 8888:8080
    # persist data between runs:
    - ./data:/var/lib/memsql
    # use the LICENSE_KEY environment variable set in the terminal:

I finally made it work.
In the local data folder, I added toolbox_version = 1.11.3 to both memsql.cnf files. Then the upgrade worked and the container is back running!

I’m glad you were able to get it to work. Thank you for posting your solution!