Is there any limitations in using GroupBy / OrderBy in Stored procedures in MemSQL?
We are getting the below error while executing the SQL in SPs -
“Feature ‘GROUP BY’ variable is not supported by memsql”
Please advise.
Is there any limitations in using GroupBy / OrderBy in Stored procedures in MemSQL?
We are getting the below error while executing the SQL in SPs -
“Feature ‘GROUP BY’ variable is not supported by memsql”
Please advise.
We don’t support GROUP BY of a MPSQL variable only (an expression containing a variable should be fine).
Can you share an example query?
Please find the below SQL query which we have used in stored procedure.
select cfg_id,cfg_nm,status_flag,count(platform_id) from (
select distinct cast(((total_qualified_parts/total_parts) * 100) as UNSIGNED INTEGER) as risk_percentage,A.cfg_id,A.cfg_nm,B.platform_id,A.status_flag from
(select count(distinct rpm.part_number) as total_parts,cfg_id,cfg_nm,rpm.status_flag,dw_commodity_id from dm_rp_matrix rpm
inner join dsc_partlifecyclemaster partlc on partlc.part_number = rpm.part_number
inner join dsc_itemlobmaster lob on lob.part_number = rpm.part_number
where rpm.dw_commodity_id = 151 and rpm.region = ‘DAO’ and = ‘AUSTIN’
and partlc.lifecycle in (‘A Revision’) group by cfg_id,cfg_nm,rpm.status_flag,dw_commodity_id) A
inner join
(select count(distinct rpm.part_number) as total_qualified_parts,cfg_id,cfg_nm,rpm.platform_id,rpm.status_flag,dw_commodity_id from dm_rp_matrix rpm
inner join dsc_partlifecyclemaster partlc on partlc.part_number = rpm.part_number
inner join dsc_itemlobmaster lob on lob.part_number = rpm.part_number
inner join dsc_platformlifecyclemaster pltc on pltc.platform_id=rpm.platform_id
where rpm.dw_commodity_id = 151 and rpm.region = ‘DAO’ and = ‘AUSTIN’
and partlc.lifecycle in (‘A Revision’)
group by cfg_id,cfg_nm,rpm.platform_id,rpm.status_flag,dw_commodity_id)B on A.cfg_id=B.cfg_id
inner join dm_dashboard_setting C on A.dw_commodity_id=C.dw_commodity_id
where ((total_qualified_parts/total_parts) * 100) < C.risk_platform_threshold ) D
group by cfg_id,cfg_nm,status_flag
which of the group-bys contains a MPSQL variable?
GROUP-BYs like this are not supported today:
create procedure group_by_arg(arg int) as
insert into t select * from t group by arg;
end //
Grouping by a constant is a special case in SQL as you likely already know, it means group by the column at that index in the project list - we don’t support doing that via a MPSQL variable which is why your getting the error.
If you absolutely must include the value of a variable in a GROUP BY clause then you could use dynamic SQL to first expand it into a constant literal in a string, then run the string (e.g. with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE).
Can you share an example ?