What significance does WARN: Thread 115114: CleanupSlaves: have?

In the my leaf logs, I’m seeing the following messages:

698214937098 2020-07-28 17:58:26.508 WARN: Thread 115114: CleanupSlaves: hl7_4 log: Page map discovered to have 0x112dc entries.
698496577885 2020-07-28 18:03:08.148 WARN: Thread 115114: CleanupSlaves: hl7_4 log: Page map discovered to have 0x10b9d entries.

What significance does that have and is it something I need to worry about?



Does this error message keep showing up? This is a warning that replication is starting to fall behind the workload. If you’re committing very large transactions this is expected - replication can fall behind when the workload has burst writes. As long as the error message doesn’t persistently show up (like every 4 seconds, and never stops), and the number of entries is decreasing, this is not cause for concern - in bursty workloads this is expected.