Which Spring Boot dependency should I use to integrate with a SingleStore database?

I know there are a couple similar questions here, but they’re a few years old and there’s no clear answer/consensus anyway. To be clear I’m referring to Spring Boot dependencies that include JDBC drivers.

If I’m going to write a few Spring Boot applications to interact with the database (i.e., new applications, new database), what is the best way to do it? Is there a guide and/or sample projects somewhere?


Does this question not belong here? I am surprised to see no responses in nearly a week.

I understand that the product was built with MySQL compatibility in mind, but I’ve seen posts mentioning that MariaDB works better (as well as posts indicating the opposite). CockroachDB, for example, explicitly describes using the PostgreSQL driver - I am looking for something like this.

Hi @gregory, I am not sure I understand your question but would like to help.

If you’re writing an app with Spring Boot and thus using Java, we recommend the MariaDB Connector/J (JDBC) for connecting to SingleStore to run/execute queries.